We always customise every trumpet order to fulfil the individuals specific needs, so although there are many models listed in the price list, they are loose templates and can be made in a variety of materials, keys and pitches. They can be built in any combination of keys, from high F down to Bb in modern, classical and baroque pitches.

We also make modern instruments as well as sackbuts and natural horns. We’ve made some unusual instruments such as a 4 valve ‘flumpet,’ tromba da caccia, soprano trombone as well as many others! Happy to take on custom work of any kind!


  • Bells are handmade in one piece, normally from 0.45mm or 0.4mm brass sheet and have a garland with decorative bezel wire

  • Tubes are seamless as standard, but seamed tubing is optional at extra cost as well as a variety of materials to choose from.

  • Ferrules, garlands and pommels have engraved lines on them, and can be made from either brass, silver or nickel silver

  • Trumpets come with two mouthpiece receivers as standard. One accepts a modern mouthpiece and has a built in leadpipe hidden inside. The other fits a baroque style mouthpiece with a larger shank and has no leadpipe

  • Bells can have bespoke engraving although usually they have no engravings as we’re yet to find a regular solution